~ Role Call ~ |
- 420 TONS
~ Crew ~
Joseph Abbott
John Brannon
Michael Burkley
George Caffery
George Chaffey
Richard Clinch
Martin Connor
Dennis Considen
William Douglas
John Easty
Philip Farrel
John Fawley
Alexander Freeborne
Jonathon Gannon
Francis Gardner
William Goodall
Luke Haines
Joseph Hunt
John Jones
William Segar Jones
Robert Kellow
James Lee
Thomas Lucas
Charles McCarthy
John Marshall (Captain)
Mr Marshall
William Mead
John Ross
John Shea (Captain)
Thomas Spencer
William Thompson
James Walton
Thomas Wilson
John Woods
~ Convicts ~
Thomas Abden (alias Stanton)
Henry Abraham
John Adams
John Agnew (alias Aynes)
Charles Allan
John Anderson
John Archer (alias Forrester)
George Atkinson
William Baggis
James Balding (alias William Balding)
George Barland
William Bell
Samuel Benare
Jaco Billet
Francis Blake
William Blunt
John Boyle
William Bradbury
James Bradley
James Bradley
John Brown
Thomas Bryant
James Burn
Peter Burn
William Butler
John Callyhorn
James Campbell (alias George Campbell)
John Campbell (also James Campbell)
John Carney
Joseph Carver
James Castle
Thomas Chadwick
Charles Clarke
John Clark (alias John Hosier)
William Clark
George Clayton (alias Hayten)
Thomas Clements
William Cole
Richard Colley
Joseph Collins
William Connolly
Cornelius Connor
John Massey Cos (alias Banbury Jack)
William Cross
William Cuckow
James Bryen Cullen
Edward Cunningham
James Dailey
Daniel Daniels
John Davidson
James Davis
Ferdinand Dowland
Timothy Driscoll
Joseph Donnage
Thomas Eccles
Edward Elliot (alias William Elliot)
Nicholas English
Mathew James Everingham
Thomas Eyliod
Benjamin Fentum
Robert Forrester
William Francis
George Francisco
George Fry
John Fuller (alias William alias Saxby alias Robert Humphries)
Edward Garth
William Gloucester
Andrew Goodwin
Edward Goodwin
Daniel Gordon
James Grace
Thomas Griffiths
Richard Haggley
Joshua Harper
John Harris
Joseph Harris (also Harrison)
John Hart
Joseph Hatten
John Hayes
Catherine Henry
John Herbert
John Hill
Thomas Hill
William Hogg
James Holloway
William Holmes
John Howard
Thomas Howard
William Hubbard
William Hubbard (also Husband)
John Hughes
Edward Humphrey
Joseph Hunt
Jeremiah Hurley
Benjamin Ingram
David Jacobs
John Jacobs
Stephen Johns
Thomas Josephs
Jonathon Herbert Keeling (alias Kellan)
David Kelpack
Edward Kimberley
John King
Richard Lyne
William Lane
David Lankey
John Lawrell
John Leary
Stephen Le Grove
Joseph Levy
George Lisk
Nathaniel Lucas
Edward McLean
William Marney
Joseph Marshall
Richard Middleton
Edward Miles
Jacob Missias (also Messiah)
Samuel Mobbs
Charles Moody (alias Miller)
John Moran (also Moseing)
Robert Morgan
William Morgan
John Morrisby
John Moseley (alias Shore alias Morley)
William Mould
John Mullen
John Neal
John Nicholls
Jacob Norrish (alias Cudlip)
James Nowland (also John Newland)
Robert Nunn
John Nurse (alias Munroe)
John Owen
Joseph Padgett
Paul Page
Peter Parris
Richard Partridge
James Paulett
Charles Peal
Joshua Peck
John Penny
Richard Percival
John Pettit
William Phillimore
Richard Phillips
John Ponti
John Ramsay
George Raymond
Bartholomew Reardon
William Reed
David Richards
James Richards
John Richards (alias Williams)
Samuel Richards (also Richardson)
John Richardson
William Rickston
William Roberts
George Robinson
John Romain
John Roughs (also Ruglass)
John Rowe
John Ruffler
James Ruse
John Russell
Robert Ruth
William Saltmarsh
Peter Sampson
John Seamour
Samuel Selshaw
James Sheers
Edward Smith
James Smith
John Smith
Thomas Smith (alias Haynes)
William Smith
William Smith
William Snailhorn
Thomas Sparkes (alias Henry Sparkes)
James Steward
Cornelius Teague
Thomas Tell
John Thomas (alias Copper)
William Thompson
William Thompson
Nicholas Todd
Moses Tucker
John Turner
Joseph Tuso
Henry Vincent
James Walbourne
John Walker
William Walsh
John Welsh
John Owen Welsh
John Westwood
Charles Williams (alias Christopher Magee)
James Williams
John Williams (alias Black Jack)
John Williams (alias Floyd)
Robert Williams
Charles Willson
Edward Witten
Peter Woodcock
Samuel Woodham
William Worsdell
Benjamin Wright
James Wright
Joseph Wright
William Wright
Simon Young

Fleet Index

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