~ Role Call ~ |
- 275 TONS
~ Crew ~
Robert Allen
William Allen
James Angel
Thomas Arndell
Richard Asky (alias Askew)
Ralph Bagnall
Robert Barnes
William Baxter
Thomas Bramage
William Browning
William Bruce (Cook)
John Carver
Thomas Chipp
Ralph Clark
William and Rachel Clayfield
Robert Cochran
Benjamin Copeland
James Craven
Cornelius Du Heg
William Ellis
William Faddy
Andrew Fishbourne
William Folley
Robert George
Charles Green
John Griffiths
John Hawk
William Hern
William Hughes
Robert Laurence
Thomas Lewis
Alexander McDonald
James Maxwell
James Meredith (Captain)
John Morris
John Philpot
John Pugh
Thomas Rowden
John and Elizabeth Russell
Richard Sandell
Mr R Smith
Peter, Mary, John and Robert Steward
Patrick Vallance
Francis Walton (Master)
James Walton
John Watts
Thomas Williams
~ Convicts ~
William Ayres
John Bailis
Elizabeth Barber
Daniel Barnett
John Barry
John Baughan (alias Bingham alias Buffin)
John Bennett
John Best
Joseph Bishop
Curtis Brand
William Brice
Elizabeth Brown
Michael Bryant
Patrick Burn
David Byrnes
Henry Cable
Henry Cable (son of the above)
Richard Carter (alias Michael Cartwright)
George Clear
Ann Coombs
Mary Cooper
Joseph Cox (alias Gough)
Thomas Davis
William Davis
Patrick Delaney
James Dodding (alias Doring)
Elizabeth Dudgeon
Rachel Early
William Edwards
Joseph Elliot (alias Trimbey)
William Evans
William Fairley
John Fenlow (alias Hervey)
William Field
Edward Flinn
Charles Granger
Margaret Hall
Cooper Hanley (also Handy)
John Harris
Frances Hart
William Haynes
Mary Hill
Thomas Hill
Susannah Holmes
John Hudson
Thomas Hughes
Samuel Hussey
John James
Richard Jones
Thomas Jones
William Jones
John Lambeth
Jeremiah Leary
Samuel Lightfoot
Henry Lovett
John Loyd
Sarah McCormack (alias Cornwall)
Richard McDeed
Redman McGrath
James McKay
William McNamara
Joseph Mawley
Mathew Mills (alias John Hill)
John Murphy (also James Murphy)
James Neal
Thomas Oldfield
Joseph Owen
Edward, Mary and Edward Jnr Parkins
John Patrick
Elizabeth Pooley
Thomas Pritchard
Edward Pugh
Elizabeth Pugh
John Rouse (alias Walton Rouse)
Andrew Rownan (also Ronald)
John Ryan
Robert Sedway
John Spence (alias Pearce)
Thomas Stretch
Henry Taylor
James Tenchill (alias Tenninghill)
James Thoudy (alias Ives)
Joseph Trimbey
John Turner
Thomas Turner
Roger Twifield (alias Phyfield)
Charlotte Ware (also Weir)
John Wisehammer
Mark Wood
Francis Woodcock

Fleet Index

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