~ Role Call ~ |
- 340 TONS
~ Crew ~
Joseph Aimssen
Alexander Anderson
James Bagley (wife Sarah and daughter Maria)
James Baker
William Baker
Ralph Broughton
William Bull
John Chew
Patrick Connell
Benjamin and Mary Cook
Daniel Cresswell
John Cresswell
Edward, Jane and Edward Jnr Divan
William Edmunston
Thomas Gilbert (Master)
Phillip Goodwin
John Jones
George Lavender
James McManus
Edward Overton
Henry Parsons
James Reiley
John Riddel
Joseph Rimmer
Edward Smith
John Storey
Watkin Tench
Thomas Timins
Thomas Tynan
~ Convicts ~
Thomas Acres
John Anderson
John Arscott
James Bailey
Thomas Baker
John Ball
George Bannister
Thomas Barrett
Samuel Barsby
Elizabeth Bason
Oaten Batley (alias Buckley)
Ann Besely
John Bizely
William Blatherhorn (alias Beans alias Fisher)
James Bloodworth
William Bond
William Bradford (alias John Bradford)
Mary Brand (alias Broad) (Daughter Mary - also Spence)
James Branegan
William Brewer
Thomas Brown
William Brown
Robert Bruce
John Bryan
William Bryant
Joseph Buckley
Samuel Burridge
Ann Carey
William Chaff
Edward Channing
Samuel Chinnery
William Church
John Clark
Mary Cleaver
John Coffin
Ishmael Colman
James Copp
James Cox
John Creamer
John Cuss (alias Hannaboy)
John Ferguson
Jane Fitzgerald (alias Phillips)
William Foyle
William Frazier
Francis Garland
Susannah Garth
John Gould
Hannah Green
John Hall
Joseph Hall
William Hamlin
James Hartop
Elizabeth Harvey
John Hayden
John Herbert
William Hilt
William Holland
Henry Humphries
Hannah Jackson
William Jenkins
Edward Johnson
John Jones
Margaret Jones
James Larne (alias la Rue)
George Legg
John Limeburner
Thomas Lympus
Ann Lynch
Abraham Martin
James Martin
Thomas Martin
Jane Meech
Richard Middlecombe (alias Widdicombe)
Nathaniel Mitchell
John Morris (alias Stephens)
John Mortimer
Noah Mortimer
Stephen Mullis
John O'Craft
Samuel Piggott
Jane Pool
William Poors
Catherine Prior (alias Fryer)
Ann Pugh
John Rice
Henry Roach
William Robertson
John Robinson (alias Major)
Mary Shepperd (alias Eaton alias Hayden)
John Small
Edward Smith
William Smith
Samuel Spencer (also Daniel)
James Squire (alias Phillip Morris)
Elizabeth Thackery
Edward Thompson
John Trace
James Underwood
William Vickery
Mary Watkins
Thomas Watson
Edward Westlake
Mary Wickham
Richard Wilcox
John Williams
Peter Williams (alias Flagett alias Creamer)
John Woolcott

Fleet Index

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