Virtual Australia CyberNet
Young Artists Gallery



Hey Kids!
Why not print one of our many Christmas or Fauna pictures, colour it in,
then send it to us for inclusion in our Gallery?!

If you have access to a scanner, then e-mail us your masterpiece  - if not, send us your original to
Virtual Australia Gallery, PO Box 221, Calwell ACT 2905 Australia.
Don't forget to include your name, age and location!

Our Gallery is open to Children World Wide!



Elizabeth Age 8
Kurrajong Heights

Ben Miles
Age 8

Sean Holden Age 10
Canberra, Australia

Sean Holden Age 10
Canberra, Australia



Alex Gatt Age 7
Woodbine, NSW


Georgina Thomas, Age 5
Benfleet, Essex, UK

Michaela Holden Age 6
Canberra, Australia

Sean Holden Age 10
Canberra, Australia

Alice Thompson Age 6
Strathmore, Victoria, Australia

Georgina Thomas, Aged 5 
Benfleet, England


Choose a Picture to Colour in!





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The owner and author of this website is not of indigenous descent - and therefore will not provide information on the indigenous viewpoint. This is best left up to the authors of Indigenous websites. I would not want to offend a wonderful culture by writing something incorrect.

All text and graphics unless otherwise stated are ©1998-2000 Kim Holden, Virtual Australia.
 If you believe any of the graphics or text to be copyright to you, please email me to discuss the matter.
All rights reserved. No part of this site may be reproduced in any form without the express permission of the owner of 
Virtual Australia  or the copyright owners of the included information.
Any offenders will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.