~ Role Call ~ |
- 340 TONS
~ Crew ~
Augustus Theodore Henry Alt
John Barrisford (wife Hannah)
Thomas, Elizabeth, Jane and Elizabeth Chapman
Thomas Davey
John, Martha and Jane Davis
Arthur and Judith Dougherty
Johannah and Joseph Gough
Thomas Gough
Thomas, Alice, Ann and John Harmsworth
Robert Hosborn
John and Sarah Hume
Thomas and Agnes Jackson
Jorgan Johannes
John and Mary Kennedy
John Mason (deceased Master)
Samuel Moore
William Nash
George Nelson (Cook)
John, Sarah and James Parfit (also Perfect)
James Porter (Ships Boy)
John Poulden
Michael and Elizabeth Redman
Lawrence and Mary Richards
Robert Ryan
James, Jane and Elizabeth Scott
Michael Tolan
John Turner
Henry and Ann Wright
Mathew and Mary Wright
~ Convicts ~
Susannah Allen
Sarah Ault
Ruth Baldwin (alias Bowyer)
Mary Beachcroft (alias Mitchcraft)
Elizabeth Biggins (alias Bingham alias Mooring)
Susannah Blanchard (alias Blanchett)
Jane Bonner
Rebecca Boulton
Elizabeth Clark
Elizabeth Cole
Margaret Darling (alias Darnell)
Mary Dixon
Deborah Elim
Ann Falmer
Jane Field
Phebee Flartee
Lara Flora
Ann Forbes
Elenor Frazier (also Redchester)
Mary Green
Mary Groves
Mary Harrison
Catherine Haycock (also Laycock)
Maria Haynes
Elizabeth Holligan
Ann Hughes
Catherine Johnson
Mary Johnson
Martha Kennedy
Mary Long
Mary McCormick
Mary Martin
Elizabeth Mason
Susannah Mason (alias Gibbs)
Anne Mather
Jane Merritt
Lidia Munro
Mary Nowland
Elizabeth Oldfield (alias Isabella Oldfield)
Ann Parsely
Mary Phillips
Mary Pinder
Elizabeth Pipkin
John Poulden
Mary Rolt
Elizabeth Scott
Ann Smith
Catherine Smith
Mary Spencer
Sarah Taylor
Elizabeth Thomas
Ellen Wainwright (alias Esther Eccles)
Ann Wharburton
Frances Williams
Mary Wilson
Elizabeth Youngson
George Youngson

Fleet Index

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